UPDATE November 2008

Michael New – Mercenary… or American Soldier?


The Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) is that agency of the Executive Branch of the US government in charge of maintaining the proper level of classification on government documents.  It is located in the National Archives Building in the District of Columbia.

President Ronald Reagan created (by Executive Order) this department for the specific purpose of allowing a citizen, any citizen, to request a review of classified documents, with a view toward declassification and release to the public.  This was a step in the direction of more open government.

President William Clinton saw the immediate threat of this department to his own barrage of secret executive orders, so he modified the terms to force citizens to wait ten years (until he was long out of office) before they could challenge a classified document.  This was a step in the direction of more secret and more tyrannical government, in our opinion.

In 1993, President Clinton issued an executive order which he styled Presidential Decision Directive#25 (PDD25), by which Mr. Clinton authorized himself (ignoring the Constitution, ignoring Congress, and ignoring existing legislation), to place American military personnel under the United Nations.  PDD25 explains the rules wherein those deployments can be made. 

However, in order that neither you nor Congress might react to those new “rules of deployment”, he classified that document, and made them top secret.  Not even your congressman is allowed to read PDD25, and many have tried.1  

In July of 2007, attorneys for Michael New made an official and proper request to the U.S. State Department, repository of this document, asking them to please make a decision concerning our request to declassify PDD25. 

The State Department has one year to comply with the request, but did not even deign to respond to us.

We reiterated our request in writing, only to be called up by someone who claimed to be an attorney with the State Department (but who is not listed as being on staff), to inform us that they could not find the document in question! 

Simply amazing!  There is an office of the Inspector General which sends people around to every federal office to inspect the guarded documents, and verifies that they are there, that they are secured, that they are not lost or stolen.  But State could not find this famous and controversial document.  Instead, they suggested we request it of the Clinton Presidential Library.

We weren’t biting.  The request was properly and legally made to State, and even if the Clinton Library had it, they would not give it to us. 

In September, 2008, the State Department informed us that they had found the document in question (remember, their deadline was July 24, 2008), and that it was “being prepared for review.” 

The problem is that it is not the task of the State Department to review this document – it is their duty to turn it over to ISCAP.  We asked ISCAP to please take possession of the document and review it, and hopefully to release it to the public.

Now the State Department is stalling.  Our requests to Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, have brought no answer, but you are welcome to make your own request, that she instruct her minions to obey the law and release the document, as required.  Here is her address:

    Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State
    U.S.Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520

Strange, you would have thought that a Republican administration would leap at the chance to expose the chicanery of a previous administration which was openly pro-United Nations.  But, then, that would require that you thought that there was a difference between the two parties, and who controls them.

A number of individuals who work in government agencies, a few of whom have had access to this document, have assured us that we are on the right track, that even though they could not reveal the contents, they encouraged us to continue to pursue revealing PDD25 to public scrutiny. 

The bottom line is this – if this government believes it can FORCE American soldiers to serve under foreign commanders, in foreign uniforms, on foreign deployments outside the parameters set by Congress (according to the Constitution), then we believe that is tantamount to treason, and we are having none of it. 

Our case is now under review by ISCAP.  Not the document, the request to see the document.  Another thing you might like to do is to ask your congressman to make a simple inquiry into why the Department of State refuses to release this document to ISCAP.  Refer them to State Department Case No. 2007-04369

1.  A public version was released, called a “condensation”, three pages longer than the original, and you may read it here on our website: Presidential Decision Directive#25

For a Constitutional Republic, once again,

Daniel New
Project Manager
Michael New Action Fund
P.O. Box 100
Iredell, Texas 76649

Real Americans don't wear U.N. blue!

(Donations are not tax-deductible, but they sure will make you feel good! :c)